title pg TWVS Vocal Score




The Complete Vocal Score
Musical notation calligraphy by Eileen M. Snyder.
TWVS Complete Vocal Score
176 pages in a downloadable PDF.

Note: For best results, print out the vocal score pdf at 125% on tabloid (11x17) paper.




 title pg TWL Libretto




The Complete Libretto
edited by Julian R. Pace,
original associate librettist.
TWL Complete Libretto
28 pages in a
downloadable PDF.



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Image Credits:

John D Batten   /   John Dowling   /   Robert Eggers   /   Sherry Eckstein
David Gill   /   Dagoberto Jorge   /   Arthur Lange   /   Louis Latorra
Oscar Manjarres   /   Julian R. Pace   /   Rick Powers   /   Arthur Rackham
James Scherzi   /   Ira C. Smith   /   Thomas Watson
Syracuse NewChannels 13

Video originally broadcast on Syracuse NewChannels 13 Public Access TV
April and August 1989
©1989 Syracuse NewChannels