6 lion lamb angry



Lyrics by Frank DiGiacomo and Julian R. Pace.
Premiere Libretto Artwork by Kevin Butterfield.

While The Nightingale and Sir Beetle are away on their Quest for a Star, the remaining Animals are huddled around a dying fire. Ambrosius Lamb sniffs the air and becomes very nervous, fearing he is in great danger. He runs around in circles and finally flees into a thicket, right into the arms of Samson the Lion. All the Animals and Joshua are terrified. William the Goat tells Joshua that he must save them by whatever means are at his command.

range joshua's song to the lion     range jb chorus song to the liontitle pg Joshuas Song to the Lion

(Joshua hesitates; then decisively picking up his harp he moves apart from the Company, which cowers behind him, and goes directly toward the Lion. He bows low before him; Samson pauses.)

        O mighty Lion,
        mightiest of Beasts,
        I acknowledge your powers,
        I worship your majesty,
        and I sing to your beauty and greatness of soul.
        Hear me:

(He takes up his harp and sings; and as he does, Samson becomes more and more attentive, finally setting Ambrosius down next to him; at length, moved, he begins to weep and pet Ambrosius' head.)

        Bright as summer moons,
        your eyes alone can see me moving through the night;
        you watch me walk
        and gently lay myself beneath the palm tree,
        resting by oases in the desert sands.
        Mightiest of Lords,
        you slowly move with flowing golden mane,
        until you find yourself beneath that tree
        right next to me.

        Lord of Death,
        What will you do to one who sees your mighty face?
        King of Beasts,
        will you not spare the one reposing at your feet?
        Will you not give homage to the Lord of Light?
        Would you not be like to one who brings us joy
        instead of sadness and lamenting?

    Animals and Chorus:
        Lord of Death,
        do you remember how it was so long ago?
        King of Beasts,
        when first you felt your mother’s lips upon your face?
        Could it not be like that once again, for you?
        Could our song bring back to you that lasting joy
        you felt once, oh, so long ago?

        Golden crown
        adorns your head—no sceptre does your kingship need:
        alike to Him we seek, though meek and mild,
        a mighty Prince—
        who brings us life, not death.
        Hear it in my voice:
        remember how it was to love and to be loved,
        to be not feared, but gently served,
        made king by those who love you—
        as your mother did . . .
        how long ago it was in desert sands, with singing winds,
        her warming breath surrounding you,
        caressing you with sweetness . . .

        How long ago it was, in desert sands, with singing winds,
        her warming breath surrounding me,
        caressing me with sweetness . . .
        how your song brings all that back to me, little friend!

    Animals and Chorus:
        Come with us,
        and seek the One who makes of dreams a lasting place!
        Lord of Death,
        will you join with us to greet the Lord of Life?
        Be our friend and we shall help the world to sing.
        Our companion shall you be forever,
        and the Lion shall lie down beside the Lamb!

        The Lion shall lie down beside the Lamb,
        and we shall know the Lion for a friend,
        and fear him nevermore.

    Animals and Chorus:
        Come with us,
        and seek the One who makes of dreams a lasting place.
        Lord of Death,
        will you not join with us to greet the Lord of Life?
        Be our friend and we shall help the world to sing.
        Our companion shall you be forever,
        and the Lion shall lie down beside the Lamb!
        We shall know the Lion for a friend,
        and we shall fear him nevermore!

        And we shall know the Lion for a friend,
        and fear him nevermore!

(Samson and Ambrosius embrace, and all the Company happily cluster about them.)



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Image Credits:

John D Batten   /   John Dowling   /   Robert Eggers   /   Sherry Eckstein
David Gill   /   Dagoberto Jorge   /   Arthur Lange   /   Louis Latorra
Oscar Manjarres   /   Julian R. Pace   /   Rick Powers   /   Arthur Rackham
James Scherzi   /   Ira C. Smith   /   Thomas Watson
Syracuse NewChannels 13

Video originally broadcast on Syracuse NewChannels 13 Public Access TV
April and August 1989
©1989 Syracuse NewChannels