Lyrics adapted by Frank DiGiacomo from The Song of Solomon in the Old Testament.
Photography of Frank DiGiacomo and Bill Black by Rick Powers.

This song, as well as Christ to His Disciples, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and The Bridge of San Luis Rey, was written in the Composer’s student days at Syracuse University. It was recorded in a practice room at the old Crouse College of Music. The song was written for the voice of William (Bill) Black, a fellow student. Their live recording, though primitive, does show the power of the music.

Also included are a synth voice and piano rendition, to more fully present the song, as well as the synth rehearsal piano-only version.

The manuscript of the song has not been found, but we are grateful for the transcription from archival audio tape by Jason Loffredo. He can be contacted at

bill franktitle pg Song of Solomon

 range song of solomon



Let her kiss me with the kiss of her mouth for her lips are sweeter than wine.
Thy cheeks are beautiful as the turtledove’s. Thy neck hath jewels.
We will make thee chains of gold inlayed with silver.

Behold, thou art fair, my love,
behold, thou art fair, thine eyes are like those of doves.
Behold, thou art fair and comely, fair, my beloved, and comely.

Put me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm.
Many waters can not quench love.

Thou, that dwellest in the gardens, thou that dwellest in the gardens,
arise, and come and flee. . .flee away.





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Image Credits:

John D Batten   /   John Dowling   /   Robert Eggers   /   Sherry Eckstein
David Gill   /   Dagoberto Jorge   /   Arthur Lange   /   Louis Latorra
Oscar Manjarres   /   Julian R. Pace   /   Rick Powers   /   Arthur Rackham
James Scherzi   /   Ira C. Smith   /   Thomas Watson
Syracuse NewChannels 13

Video originally broadcast on Syracuse NewChannels 13 Public Access TV
April and August 1989
©1989 Syracuse NewChannels