Lyrics adapted by Frank DiGiacomo from Chapter 17 of the Gospel of St. John.

This song, as well as Christ to His Disciples, The Bridge of San Luis Rey and Song of Solomon, was written in the Composer’s student days at Syracuse University, and recorded, with Mr. DiGiacomo at the piano, in a practice room at the old Crouse College of Music. William (Bill) Black, the soloist, was a fellow student, and the song was written for his voice. The primitive live recording, as you will appreciate, is far from ideal, but it does show the power of the music. Also included are a synth voice and piano rendition as well as the synth rehearsal piano-only version.

The manuscript of the song has not been found, but we are grateful for the transcription from archival audio tape by Linda Missad. For additional information on Ms. Missad's fine work, you may contact

agony in the garden andrea mantegna  christ and the garden of olives paul gauguin
Agony in the Garden by Andrea Mantegna                                                             Christ and the Garden of Olives Paul Gauguin

 range jesus in gethsemane



Father the hour has come; glorify thy Son that thy Son may glorify Thee:
Even as Thou hast given Him power over all flesh, in order that to all Thou hast given to Him, He may give everlasting life.
Now, this is everlasting life. . .that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Him, whom Thou has sent. . .Jesus Christ.
I have glorified Thee on earth, I have accomplished the work that Thou hast given me to do.
And now, do Thou, O Father, glorify Me with thy Self, with the glory I had with Thee before the world existed.
Father , I will that where I am, they also whom Thou hast given Me, may be with Me, in order that
they may behold My Glory, which Thou hast given Me before Thou hast loved Me, before the creation of the world.

Just Father, the world has not known Thee, but I have known Thee, and these have known that Thou
hath sent Me and I have made known to them Thy Name, and will make it known, in order that the
Love with which Thou hath loved Me, may be in them, and I in them.


title pg jesus gethsemane


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Image Credits:

John D Batten   /   John Dowling   /   Robert Eggers   /   Sherry Eckstein
David Gill   /   Dagoberto Jorge   /   Arthur Lange   /   Louis Latorra
Oscar Manjarres   /   Julian R. Pace   /   Rick Powers   /   Arthur Rackham
James Scherzi   /   Ira C. Smith   /   Thomas Watson
Syracuse NewChannels 13

Video originally broadcast on Syracuse NewChannels 13 Public Access TV
April and August 1989
©1989 Syracuse NewChannels