An Unfinished Piece for Piano

This atmospheric piece, recorded at his home, finds Frank DiGiacomo playing through an unknown and undated composition which has not been found in manuscript. Its purpose is unknown, but the sound painting and emotional content are very expressive of the DiGiacomo style. It ends abruptly as if someone had entered the room, or Mr. DiGiacomo had come to the end of what he had been composing.
We appreciate the skill of Jason Loffredo, who transcribed this piece from archival audio tape. Available are the sheet music PDF created by Mr. Loffredo and MP3s of the Composer’s original recording and the Loffredo transcription.
To learn more about Mr. Loffredo, visit

title pg IM Interrupted Melody


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Image Credits:

John D Batten   /   John Dowling   /   Robert Eggers   /   Sherry Eckstein
David Gill   /   Dagoberto Jorge   /   Arthur Lange   /   Louis Latorra
Oscar Manjarres   /   Julian R. Pace   /   Rick Powers   /   Arthur Rackham
James Scherzi   /   Ira C. Smith   /   Thomas Watson
Syracuse NewChannels 13

Video originally broadcast on Syracuse NewChannels 13 Public Access TV
April and August 1989
©1989 Syracuse NewChannels