Italian lyrics adapted by Frank DiGiacomo. Translations by Julian R. Pace.
Baritone William Black, Frank DiGiacomo and Eileen Snyder
Photography by Rick Powers
These five songs are written in popular Italian styles to five folk texts, the form of which is known as “rispetti”. Each one expresses a sentiment peculiar to Italian culture and familiar to the Composer from childhood. Written especially for William (Bill) Black, the songs are dedicated to the Composer’s grandparents, parents and family, to whom he owes the experiences crucial to his development as a composer and the great love he bears his heritage.
The live performances of Cinque Rispetti are by Mr. Black, accompanied by Frank DiGiacomo, at the recital An Evening of Song by Frank DiGiacomo, Friday May 18, 1979 at the Carrier Theater of the Mulroy Civic Center, in Syracuse, New York.
1. Bella bellina - Pretty Little One
Bella bellina, quando vai per acqua,
Pretty little one, when you go out for water,
la via della fontana ti favella;
the pathway to the fountain salutes you;
e il rossignol che canta per la macchia,
and the nightingale that sings in the thicket
ei va dicendo che sei la più bella.
says that you are the most beautiful.
Sei la più bella e la più graziosina:
You are the prettiest and most graceful:
sembri una rosa colta sulla spina;
as a rose plucked fresh from the stem;
Sei la più bella e la più graziosetta:
You are the most beautiful and comely,
sembri una rosa in su la spina fresca.
as a rose newly bloomed on the arbor.
O rosa delle rose, o rosa bella,
O rose among roses, my beautiful rose,
per te non dormo nè notte nè giorno;
because of you I sleep neither night nor day,
e sempre penso alla tua faccia bella;
thinking always of your lovely face;
alle grazie che hai faccio ritorno —
all your charms return to my mind:
ch’io ti lasci, amor mio, non creder mai!
never believe that I could leave you, my love!
2. Quando che mi partii - When I Departed
Quando che mi partii dal mio paese,
When I departed from my homeland,
lasciai piangendo la mia innamorata,
I left my sweetheart in tears,
e l’era bella e sì cortese!
and she was beautiful and so engaging!
Mi prese a domandar della tornata,
She began to ask me about my return,
E le risposi con poche parole,
And I answered her with few words,
e le risposi con parola umile:
I answered her with brief words:
— La tornata sarà fra maggio e aprile;
— I shall return between May and April;
la tornata sarà quando Dio lo vuole.
my return will be when God wills it.
Che avete, bella mia, che sospirate?
What is wrong, my pretty one, that you are sighing?
A te ci penso sempre, penso a te,
I think always of you, always of you,
A te ci penso quando leva il sole;
I think of you as the sun rises;
A te ci penso sempre, a tutte l’ore,
I think of you always, at every hour,
3. Morirò - I Shall Die
Morirò, morirò, sarai contenta.
I shall die, die — and you will be happy,
più non la sentirai mia afflitta voce!
never again to hear my suffering voice!
Quattro campane sentirai sonare,
You will hear four chimes ringing,
’na piccola campana a bassa voce.
a little bell with a quiet voice.
Quando lo sentirai il morto passare,
When you hear the funeral procession,
fatti di fuori, chè quello son io.
come out into the street, for it will be mine.
Ti prego, bella, viemmi a accompagnare
I pray you, my beauty, to follow me
fino alla chiesa per l’amor di Dio.
as far as the church, for the love of God.
Quando m’incontri, fallo il pianto amaro:
And when you see me, weep bitter tears:
ricordati di me, quanto t’amavo.
remember me, how much I loved you.
Quando m’incontri, volgi i passi indietro:
Turn aside, when you see me:
ricordati di me, quand’ ero teco!
remember me, when I was with you!
4. Lauda alla Vergine - A Laud to the Virgin
Dio ti salvi, gloriosa Regina delle vergini,
God save you, glorious Queen of virgins,
tu che sei graziosa sopra tutte l’altre femmine;
more filled with grace than all other women;
non fu nata, non si trova, e non sarà la simile.
your equal was never born, nor is to be found, nor will be,
Gloriosa Regina!
Queen of Glory!
Prego te che mi aiuti, chè son molto debole;
I pray you to help me, for I am very weak:
son caduto nel peccato e non mi posso ergere.
I have fallen into sin, and cannot raise myself again.
Tu che sei molto pietosa, dammi mani e levami,
You who are full of pity, give me aid and raise me up,
e ch’io non possa ricadere aiutami e consigliami.
and that I may not fall back, help and counsel me.
Al santo tuo Figliòlo rendami piacevole
Cause me to be pleasing to your holy Son,
e ne la santa vita eterna cogli santi menami.
and lead me to holy eternal life with the saints.
Dio ti salvi, gloriosa Regina.
God save you, glorious Queen:
Prego te che mi aiuti;
I pray you to help me.
Tu che sei molto pietosa, dammi mani e levami.
You who are full of pity, give me aid and raise me up.
5. Stornello - Stornello
Fiore di sale;
L’amore fa penar, ma non si muore;
Love brings pain, but one doesn’t die;
d’amore non si muor, ma si sta male.
one doesn’t die of love, but one suffers.
Il primo giorno di calen di maggio
On the first day of the Festival of May,
andai nell’orto per cogliere un fiore,
I went into the garden to pluck a flower,
e vi trovai un uccellin selvaggio
and there I found a little wild bird,
che discorreva di cose d’amore.
who sang of affairs of love.
O uccellin che vieni di Fiorenza,
O little bird, who comes to me from Firenze,
insegnami l’amor come comincia.
tell me how love begins.
— L’amor comincia con suoni e con canti,
— Love begins with music and with song,
e poi finisce con dolori e pianti.
but ends in pain and tears.
Amor, o amore!
Love, ah love!
O rondinina, quando t’ho nudrita,
O little swallow, after I had fed you
e l’ale d’oro ti ho fatto portare,
and had given you golden wings to wear,
hai fatto un volo, al ciel te ne sei ita,
you took flight, you soared into the sky,
o rondinina hai fatto un volo
o little swallow, you took wing
e non m’hai detto quando vuoi tornare.
and did not tell me when you would return.
Ah! per amarti ho pianto tanto!
Ah! I have wept so much for love of you!
Povero pianto mio gettato al vento!
Poor tears of mine, cast to the winds!
Amor, o amore!
Love, ah love!
Fiorin di more;
Mulberry blossom;
L’amore fa penar, ma non si muore;
Love brings pain, but not death;
d’amore non si muor, ma si sta male.
one doesn’t die of love, but one suffers.
Amor, o amore!
Love, ah love!